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Differentiable Physics and Stable Modes for Tool Use and Manipulation Planning
Differentiable Physics and Stable Modes for Tool-Use and Manipulation Planning
RSS 2021, Spotlight Talk 12: Fast and Feature-Complete Differentiable Physics Engine...
Ming Lin - Differentiable physics for learning and control
DDPS | Differentiable Physics Simulations for Deep Learning
Manipulation planning with tool use inference
Deep Visual Constraints: Neural Implicit Models for Manipulation Planning from Visual Input
Differentiable simulation for physical system identification
RSS 2020, Spotlight Talk 99: Learning to Slide Unknown Objects with Differentiable Physics Simula...
Describing Physics For Physical Reasoning: Force-based Sequential Manipulation Planning
RSS 2021, Spotlight Talk 39: DiSECt: A Differentiable Simulation Engine for Autonomous Robotic...
Learning to Slide Unknown Objects with Differentiable Physics Simulations (Presentation)